Friday, November 5, 2010

The power of WORDS...

Unfortunately, there are some hurtful words that are uttered very easily. At times, we might be having what we call the "perfect" day and there comes someone who says something that turns our whole day around. UGGGHHHHH!!!


We underestimate the power of our words. They could easily make someone's day or "ruin" it (per say). I can't seem to quite comprehend why is it so difficult to utter words like: Thank you! I Care! I love you! WHY WHY WHY???? It frustrates me and i have to admit, it gets me livid and sad at the same time. I have to make it a "project" to stop letting certain attitudes get me down. I can't allow them to change my smile into a frown or into a tear. NO MORE!!!

This is a phenomenon to me because i am soooo expressive and sometimes a bit too much. It is not hard for me to express my gratitude or my love. I believe LOVE is the most wonderful feeling and when expressed, it can heal the most profound wounds. Love lights up our lives if we let it in. 

I found this sign and i thought it would be neat to share it because at times i wish i could carry this sign around. "BE NICE OR LEAVE." Unfortunately, i can't ;) but i can carry a SMILE around and do my best to keep it there. Not all the days are ever the same but I can try to master this and become less affected by other people's attitudes or bitterness. This is so important!!!

Anywho...i vented! ;) We are all works in progess...and this is promising!


  1. Clau...this came at the right time for me. There's someone wanting to get me down in my life, but I'm choosing to wear a smile. We get to choose and that's wonderful. I love that you are still blogging everyday. Would like to be a guest blogger on my blog and write a lesson there????? I'd love to have you. Send me mail on Facebook and tell me what you think!

  2. Hello Kathy...
    I love the fact that i have become aware of this and that i can choose as you mentioned. ;)
    Sometimes it's harder to escape the bad moods people transmit especially when we have a personal connection with them. I guess it is a progress...
    will write to you on FB.
    thank you for reading Kathy...
    I love that you like my posts...
